Demountable Forklift Training
Trains and Certifies on Demountable Forklifts
$69.95 for a 3 year Subscription
- Register
- Log in as Administrator to the Administrator Control Page
- Purchase a Demountable subscription from the Administrator Control Page
- Create a Student from the Administrator Control Page
- Assign the subscription to the Student from the Administrator Control Page
- Tell the Student their Username and Password
- Let the Student log in from any internet connected computer and begin training
General Information
- What is a Demountable forklift?
- What training is provided by Forklift Tech?
- Who should take the Demountable training?
- Can Spanish speaking employees take the training?
- How do I accomplish On Site Training?
- Who performs the certification?
What is a Demountable forklift?
Demountable forklifts are specialized forklifts used primarily in the lumber and block industry. These forklifts are designed to be mounted on the back of trucks and trailers to allow unloading at the delivery site. Here is a picture of a typical Demountable forklift.

What training is provided by Forklift Tech?
Forklift Tech provides a complete training program leading to certification on this type of forklift. Forklift Tech provides 500 pages of training. Each page is narrated with text, and is presented in English or Spanish.
This training provides specific information on how demountable forklifts are different from conventional forklifts, reading the load chart, how to lift loads, worksite safety, and how to mount and dismount the forklift from the trailer.
Who should take the Demountable training?
OSHA states that before any employee is allowed to operate a demountable forklift, the employer is required to demonstrate that an employee has successfully completed a forklift training and evaluation course of study. FORKLIFT TECH assists your company to fulfill this requirement with our online training and on site testing guidelines.
Temporary help must also be instructed about your specific equipment and your specific facility even if they have been certified by their employer. For the sake of uniformity, we recommend retraining temporary help using FORKLIFT TECH.
Refresher training is required by OSHA if an operator is observed to operate the forklift in an unsafe manner, is involved in an accident or near miss incident, receives an evaluation which reveals he is not operating the forklift safely, is assigned to a different forklift, or conditions in the workplace change which can affect forklift safety. FORKLIFT TECH allows for complete retraining in these events and allows the Administrator to decertify operators through the Administrative Control Page. At the minimum, the Trainer will need to evaluate these operators before they continue their duties.
In addition, an evaluation of each operator's performance is required every three years.
FORKLIFT TECH recommends complete retraining every three years which requires purchase of another subscription, even though this is not required by OSHA. This is the reason for the three year time limit on an operator's certification.
FORKLIFT TECH provides a brief refresher training section, available when certified operators log in. FORKLIFT TECH recommends operators log in every 6 months and take this training to reinforce important safety issues.
Can Spanish speaking employees take the training?
Demountable Forklift training is currently not available in Spanish.
How do I accomplish on-site training?
Your Trainer will normally perform on-site training on both demountable and regular forklifts at your location and then log in to FORKLIFT TECH to record completion of that operator's on-site training. This creates a record of the operator's training and certifies the operator. After certification, the trainer can print a certificate of completion and driver license for the operator.
There is no requirement for a driver's license, but it provides the operator with a simple document showing his completion of a forklift training and certification program.
Who performs the certification?
Your company performs the certification that an operator has received the OSHA required training, has been evaluated regarding your specific company equipment and work site, and has shown themselves to be a competent and safe forklift operator.